I don't even know where to begin. I'm horrible at trying to put my feelings down on writing and to think when I was younger I wanted to be a writer, until I realized how bad I was at English, so sorry for all those English professors! The idiot that I am went and got umbilical hernia surgery last Monday, yea that's right in December. It wasn't anything major but I had to do it before the end of the year due to insurance purposes. I never had been put out before so I was horrified. Let's just say I hope I never have to do that again. A couple of days later Branon had to be gone all day for Basketball but lucky to some really good friends I was able to survive. Then of course the next I had to be fine because Bella was now sick. She was up all night Tuesday and Wednesday and by Thursday she couldn't stop crying. Finally I took her to the Doctor because I couldn't take in any longer. I'm not suppose to lift more then 20lbs but that was thrown out now. She ended up having a really bad ear infection. I asked the doctor if I could have that miracle shot for her because trying to shove medicine down her throat is impossible especially when she is sick. Lets just say by that night she was doing much better and she finally was sleeping through the night again.
So we got hit with a pretty bad Snow Storm Saturday, then Sunday was freezing cold, and then Monday we got hit with another bad snowstorm. I don't mind it so much if I didn't have to go out in it but since we don't have a garage it really sucks. I've been trying to quit drinking soda and I think I learned my lesson on Monday. I got four packs of soda since they were on sale but never got them out of my car. Monday morning when I went to go start the car in the front passenger seat and dashboard there was ice with coloring. Thought that's strange. Look back and it's all over the place because 4 cans had exploded. Still haven't cleaned it up because I've been so busy trying to catch up plus it's too DAMN cold to go out there.
Tonight I had to go to when of those dreadful work party's. Actually there usually not that bad but Branon's work is Celebrating their 20th year so they went all out. First, we had to dress up and normally we just wear whatever. Second, we had to listen to this guy give some speech of how it all started. I thought he would never end so it made the party go that much longer. You know when your at those Fast Sunday meetings and when the Bishop has to get up there to tell the person to wrap it up. Yea, I was wishing someone would do that to him. The plus side of it they had really good food.
One thing good that happen over the couple of last weeks was that I got to go with some good friends to see "Twilight" for the second time. I know can you believe it they have a theater here, and they are already showing twilight. It's only a one screen theater but at least they have one. The first time I went and saw it with some of the same people but we had to drive 3 hours to see it opening day. Although I thought it was a real disappointment the first time I had a lot of fun talking and laughing with friends on the long drive. Second time thought it was much better, probably because I knew all the cheesy parts like "you Spider Monkey"!
Amen! on needing a garage and little girls that are 3!
Oh man! Your December sounds like my November! Just keep telling yourself (like I did!) January will be better, January will be better....
I don't know where to begin...I'm sorry, but I laughed through most of your post. First, just be glad you're you and not me...if being put out was not a fun experience you wouldn't liked the brain surgeries I've had and other stuff. And your soda explosion in the car...what a mess. Someday you'll laugh about it. Guess you'll start bringing stuff in sooner. We even got snow and they called a snow day today- in LAS VEGAS!! People in Utah would laugh. I'm sorry for all you've been through the last couple of months. Our boys' surgeries earlier this week weren't all that fun (for them and us).
Wow - Never a dull moment, eh? I could have warned you about the frozen soda. RA and I used to put bottles of Diet DP in the freezer when we still lived at home (with G&G). Mom would always get made at us when a bottle exploded in the freezer - what a mess! But we kept sneaking them in 'cause we were a couple of addicts drinking four a day! I hope you've healed up in spite of all the difficulties!
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