I thought I would write my goals down so when I need help I can come back to this post. I'm glad 2008 is over all though it wasn't a bad year we added Jenna to the family and it's been a joy to have her but going to three has been a little harder for me. My goals for this year is to ...
1) Be happier
2) Love my children more, by doing this not yelling at my children(I already broke the one, but I'm trying harder). Spending more quality time with them.
3) Read my scriptures everyday
4) Exercise more(I still have a lot of baby fat to lose, for some reason I gain a lot of weight 50lbs with each pregnancy but it gets harder with each child to lose it).
5) Clean my house more, I wouldn't say I'm a dirty person but I just have a lot of clutter everywhere so my goal I should say is be more organized and put things where they go, maybe I won't lose so much stuff.
Those are it for now but I think it's a good start and I don't want to make a huge list because then I will be overwhelmed and won't do any of them.
I noticed I haven't blogged for awhile so here is a review of the last few weeks. Christmas was wonderful. Christmas Eve we had a ton of people over in our tiny house but I thought it was a lot of fun. Christmas was wonderful, it didn't take to long for the kids to rip open the presents. After they were all open Jonas said "Where are more?" Let's say we had to teach him how to be grateful for what we get. Plus he got his storm trooper helmet that he asked for. Bella got everything she wanted princesses and ponies. Jenna had fun watching Jonas and Bella open presents and she just went for the paper. I was very spoiled this year and got a nice Camera so I need to learn how to take better pictures and to use the camera. Branon's brother Haldon and his family and other brother Kellen came up a couple of days after Christmas to watch Branon's basketball games, it was a lot of fun to have them here. Then I and the girls went down to St. George for a few days and stayed with my parents for New Years Eve. I actually stayed up past midnight and played games with my dad, which was fun because I kicked his butt. Branon and Jonas went with his brother Haldon and his son Kodiak to Salt Lake to watch the Utah and Gonzaga basketball game. School started back up last Monday so we are trying to get back into a normal schedule what ever that may be. Here are some random pictures of the last month.
I just wanted to throw in this funny story of Bella. She has done a lot better then I expected to adjusting to Jenna but their are occasional moments where she doesn't and one being this morning. When I had to go nurse Jenna before I put her down for a nap Bella started to cry and tell me that I can't feed Jenna. Then she told me "mom I need to go pee" so I told her she is a big girl you can go in and do it. Her reply was "No, I need you to come squeeze me, so I can pee." I laughed and then she got mad and ended up going pee. Then she said "Maylynn come wipe me now" It just sounded funny having her say my name instead of Mom. Usually she doesn't want me to help her go to the bathroom and especially when she is going number 2 she tells me to go away.
Love the picture of Jenna with the cat in her lap!! The story about Bella is pretty funny.
I like your goals. I'll join you on the exercise one...my goal would to be to START exercising, not just do more.
PS- I noticed after posting my comment that according to the times listed my comment came AFTER you even published this post. Time difference can be weird.
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