As much as Jonas can drive me up the wall he is so cute with Jenna as you can see here. He has had a really hard time with reading so I thought this was priceless.
I don't get many pictures with Bella and Jenna since Bella doesn't play with her that much.

For those that don't know Jonas he can say some pretty off the wall things that make you laugh, but I'm sure all kids are like that. Soon after I had Jenna and told him that I had to hurry home so I could feed her. He said, "Dad can feed her with his boobs." Yea, I wished it worked that way. Then later that day he had said, "When I get older, I'm going to feed the baby with my boobs." Then I had to explain the whole boys can't feed baby's and why. He seemed pretty amused by it all.
Well the last month I have been sick on and off but more on. I'm hoping that there is and end but I don't see one. Anyway my patience with my children are totally gone, and it doesn't help when Jenna only sleeps a couple of hours in a night and Jonas and Bella get up at 5 in the morning. Let's just say that night was living hell and hopefully we don't have another night like that. Last night Branon was gone at work and I had just had enough and wished I could snap my fingers and my kids be in their pajamas and in bed. Since it doesn't work that way I resorted to yelling at Jonas for not listening which is nothing new. I must have yelled a little louder than normal because he started to cry and said, "you bruised my ears."
Branon is looking at a job in Northern Idaho and I haven't yet decided how I fell about the whole thing. You ask Jonas and he doesn't want to move at all. You ask Bella and she says "I want to live at McDonald's." You can tell where she likes to go.