Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Olive hands and Pumpkin Carving

When Jonas started putting olives on his hands it reminded me how much I loved to do that when I was his age, oh wait I still do. Of course what he does, Bella has to follow.
Here's Jenna watching us carve pumpkins. She was quite amused.

Yea we finally carved our pumpkins! We usually do it the night before but it looks like we are ahead of the schedule my a night. Plus this is Branon's first time being with us because he is usually out working. I thought it went much smoother with him there.

I have to share a story that has nothing to do with carving pumpkins but it comes up every time I'm carving pumpkins because it has to do with a pumpkin knife. When I was little my cousins lived down the street so we did a lot with them. I apparently got mad at my cousin Allison and when she tried to come get something from our backyard I got a pumpkin knife and told her that if she didn't get out I would hurt her. Okay I probably said kill instead of hurt but I would like to think I wasn't that mean. You wonder where Jonas gets his anger problems.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How do you burn soup?

Let me tell you, tonight was a nightmare. That is a understatement. I've been doing activity day's for a year in half, and tonight will go down as the worse activity for me. We did a Daddy, Daughter activity. Since there are a lot of girls we have two groups; a younger, and older. Lately there are way more older than younger. I've been doing the older group. So the other ladies wanted to get together and do a activity together. All of us together there are 6 of us(leaders) and only me and another lady came. Two ended up sick, one ended up getting surgery, and the other was going to be out of town, so it was things that really they couldn't do anything about. It would have gone a lot smoother if I was not the idiot that I am, and burn the soup. The lady that got surgery made a nice big taco soup and all we had to do is warm it up. There were also two smaller soups but it wasn't about to feed 40 people. I accidentally put it on high and totally forgot about it and the next thing I know, totally burnt the bottom and made the whole soup gross. Luckily two ladies came from the primary presidency to help so we had to run to the store and get some Bear Creek soup and hurry and make it. Let's just say the other soup would have tasted a whole lot better, and we ended up starting 30 minutes late. There are other details that I can put in that made the night a disaster but I'll keep those to myself, plus I'm sure you already are bored of this story.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Horrible Mother

Here are a few pictures of my kids that my friend took. Branon was gone for the weekend and the weather was wonderful so we went out to take these cute pictures. Branon went up to Salt Lake to take two test for his licensee. He got home late last night and then left this morning and won't be home until late tonight. Let me tell you I miss him so much! I don't realize how much he does until he is gone. Saturday night all three of these kids kept me up and only got over 3 hours of sleep. I wish he was here so I could take my Sunday nap to make up for the lost of sleep. Although, while the girls slept, Jonas let me sleep for 30 minutes which is really good for him since he is so loud. I was waken up from him climbing on the counter to eat all the chocolate. No wonder why he is so hyper.

I know, I say too many times I'm a bad mother, but I know I do the best that I can. I obviously am not that bad because my kids do love me, plus they are the biggest mama kids that I know. But what I did today was just horrible, but thank goodness kids forget. When Jonas came home from school today I thought I would be good and do homework instead of doing it right before bedtime. Jenna had fallen asleep in the car so I put her in her room. She had awaken before I was done with Jonas. Bella thought she would be a great sister and go play with her. Well while in there I heard her cry but didn't think nothing of it. Then I didn't hear her anymore but Jenna started to cry so I thought she went into her room and play. When we were done doing homework I got on the phone. Jonas kept saying "Where is Bella, I can't find her." I ignored him for awhile. Then Jonas wouldn't stop so I thought I better go find her. I went into Jenna's room and in the closet I found Bella asleep in there. Jonas said, "Mom is she alive or dead?" Luckily she was alive still but I felt so bad that I never went and checked on her. She ended up sleeping for 3 hours and that is why my kids just barely went to bed.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Almost peace

So I know Jonas is probably to old to be taking a bath with his younger sisters and he will probably kill me later for this picture but at least I'm not showing is boy part. Branon and I got a little break from the two older crazy/wild children last weekend. Jonas and Bella went to my brother Steve's house. While they were running around crazy and waking up early we were staying at this place in Northern Idaho. Actually this place was in Western Montana at a Bed and Breakfast but we only stayed one night and then we were at a lodge in Sandpoint. It was our first experience at a Bed and Breakfast and it would have been so much more relaxing if Jenna wasn't there, but she did remarkably well. I just wish she would sleep through the night.

Here is Branon and Jenna hanging out. There was a picture of her and me but somehow got erased. I forgot how life was so much easier with just one kid. Although I have to say I did miss Jonas and Bella. As much as they drive me crazy I do love being there mother.

We had an awesome time, things went so much better then I thought, but the last few hours of the trip was living hell. The airplane ride back was a nightmare. Due to the weather the turbulence was horrible and the last 20 minutes Jenna screamed her head off and there was nothing I could do about it. Then we just wanted to get our car and go pick up the kids and get home. Branon went to go pick it up while I sat with Jenna and our luggage. I thought wow he is taking a long time. Jenna is starting to scream and my patience is gone, so I called Branon wondering where the hell he is. He said the battery is dead. Great! The jumper thing that we have in our car is dead too and we have no jumper cables. Apparently nobody as them in their car either. Branon decides to come pick us up but then we got on the employee bus and took the detour and Branon at this point it livid so we get off the last stop and walk in the freezing cold. I was getting mad but I guess it saved a little time instead of going back and getting on a whole new bus. By the time we were suppose to be at my brother's house we finally found someone with jumper cables to get us up and running. We found the source of our problem and it was one of the kids left the light on in the back. So make sure all your car lights are off when you leave you car at the airport.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Roll, Fly, Roll

Right now I'm staring at the ceiling, trying to relax and I count 10 flies. I probably have another 20 in the kitchen. I have to say that is one thing I don't like about living right next to cows. There seems to be a million flies. I probably have tons of them in my van because it only took me 3 hours to clean it out today. Yes I know I had one really really dirty van. If you look at the picture really carefully, way back in the kitchen by the window there is one of those fly stripes. Had no idea what they were until we lived here but you have to have one unless you want to be killing flies all day long. I think they are quite disgusting.

Jenna's first time to roll was back in the end of July but she would only roll onto her stomach and be okay for a minute and then start crying, she hates to be on her stomach. Finally the last few days she has been rolling over and over. Jonas was quite amused by it all. Doesn't take much to get him excited. I've decided my kids take after their parents and are quite lazy(laid back is what we like to call it). My kids have been a little behind on their milestones which is okay with me. I still have lots of time before I have to start chasing another child. I have a friend that had a boy a few days before Jenna and he is crawling everywhere and is starting to pull himself up, before long she will be chasing him around.
Sometimes I have no idea why I have a blog and write. Since first I'm a horrible writer, never has been my strong point. And second hardly anybody really reads it, at least it looks that way. So for those that do read I'm really sorry about my writing skills and grammar. My spelling would be worse if it wasn't for spell check.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bruised Ears

As much as Jonas can drive me up the wall he is so cute with Jenna as you can see here. He has had a really hard time with reading so I thought this was priceless.

I don't get many pictures with Bella and Jenna since Bella doesn't play with her that much.

For those that don't know Jonas he can say some pretty off the wall things that make you laugh, but I'm sure all kids are like that. Soon after I had Jenna and told him that I had to hurry home so I could feed her. He said, "Dad can feed her with his boobs." Yea, I wished it worked that way. Then later that day he had said, "When I get older, I'm going to feed the baby with my boobs." Then I had to explain the whole boys can't feed baby's and why. He seemed pretty amused by it all.

Well the last month I have been sick on and off but more on. I'm hoping that there is and end but I don't see one. Anyway my patience with my children are totally gone, and it doesn't help when Jenna only sleeps a couple of hours in a night and Jonas and Bella get up at 5 in the morning. Let's just say that night was living hell and hopefully we don't have another night like that. Last night Branon was gone at work and I had just had enough and wished I could snap my fingers and my kids be in their pajamas and in bed. Since it doesn't work that way I resorted to yelling at Jonas for not listening which is nothing new. I must have yelled a little louder than normal because he started to cry and said, "you bruised my ears."

Branon is looking at a job in Northern Idaho and I haven't yet decided how I fell about the whole thing. You ask Jonas and he doesn't want to move at all. You ask Bella and she says "I want to live at McDonald's." You can tell where she likes to go.